
Juba Restaurant & Cafe

9.63 mi
14223 Tukwila International Boulevard, Seattle, WA, 98168
Fri 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM - 10:00 PM
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Juba Restaurant & Cafe

Juba Restaurant & Cafe

If you find yourself in Seattle and hungry, but need halal options, then it's time to order from Juba Restaurant & Cafe. Choose the most affordable delivery option listed on this page for the cheapest way to order Juba Restaurant & Cafe. They're committed to serving up some of the best halal items in Seattle and. Way easier than cooking at home, but you can still enjoy it in the comfort of home. Order Juba Restaurant & Cafe delivery today!

Online Ordering Options

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PostmatesNot Delivering: Outside of delivery range
Est. Fee
46 minEst. Time
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Last updated September 23, 2020

PostmatesNot Delivering: Outside of delivery range
Est. Fee
46 minEst. Time