
Jake's City Grille-Maplewood

6368.39 mi
American (new)
1745 Beam Ave, Maplewood, MN, 55109
Not Available Now (Available Wed 11:00 AM - 9:30 PM)
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Jake's City Grille-Maplewood

Jake's City Grille-Maplewood

Order from Jake's City Grille-Maplewood to enjoy some of the best American (new) in Maplewood. Looking to find the cheapest way to order Jake's City Grille-Maplewood? Choose the most affordable delivery or takeout option listed here. Because they deliver in Maplewood, you can enjoy Jake's City Grille-Maplewood in the comfort of your own home. Don’t wait another day to treat yourself to their delicious American (new)! Check out the full Jake's City Grille-Maplewood menu below.

Online Ordering Options

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PostmatesNot Delivering: Outside of delivery range
Est. Fee
46 minEst. Time
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Last updated November 2, 2020

PostmatesNot Delivering: Outside of delivery range
Est. Fee
46 minEst. Time