FoodBoss is an all-in-one search engine for food delivery and pickup. It aggregates data from food delivery and pickup companies like Uber Eats,, Postmates, Caviar, and more. FoodBoss users can compare which service has the best price, fastest delivery, and most convenience for them. Additionally, users are able to see over 165,000 restaurants to order food from, because our list of restaurants is validated and derived from multiple delivery companies. FoodBoss is available in 50+ major metro areas.
Enter your address and we'll show you restaurants near you that offer delivery or pickup. You can also search by restaurant name, cuisine, or food type (for example, “sandwich” or “fried chicken”). After choosing your restaurant, compare delivery times and delivery fees between services, and choose the service that offers the best deal for you. You'll then be directed to that delivery service to complete your order.
The advantages of starting your food search on our all-in-one search engine can be grouped into two major categories. 1. Discoverability & Efficiency: We have the largest selection of restaurants. Instead of seeing one delivery service's restaurants, you can see all 4,000+ available restaurants in cities such as New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago. 2. Price & Time Comparison: You get the chance to see how different delivery services stack up against one another. See who delivers the quickest and for the most affordable price. You can save up to $20 on your delivery by using FoodBoss!
Choose from among thousands of online delivery restaurants, then look through the menu, and select the items you'd like to order. From there, you are able to see which service is the cheapest and fastest for your delivery. Once you are satisfied with the service you would like, hit the select button, and we will bring you to that company’s website to complete the checkout.
FoodBoss is completely free. Not only is it free, it saves you money by finding you the most affordable delivery option.
Yes. We employ all the security standards you know and love (think SSL), and only share what’s necessary to complete your order on your selected delivery company’s website. And remember, we don’t take your credit card information, so no sensitive data is stored on FoodBoss. Even your email is optional for placing orders. If you do sign up, all sensitive data is encrypted and kept in a secure location.
Absolutely not. It is 100% optional. But people that do sign up are regularly offered promotional offers and discounts!
No worries! We'll answer any question you have in a Windy City second. Just email us at