Situated in the southernmost part of the state of California and adjacent to Mexico, San Diego was founded in 1769 due to the existence of the naturally deep harbor, now known as San Diego Harbor. First ruled by Spain, the area that today comprises San Diego was ruled by Mexico after they gained their independence from Spain. Mexico ruled the area until the Mexican-American War, after which all of California was ceded to the United States from Mexico. A popular tourist destination due to its naturally beautiful beaches and active nightlife, San Diego is also home to a highly regarded food scene where different cultures' cuisines are fused into original creations. Home to many award-winning restaurants across a broad range of food types, including seafood and sushi, San Diego is also popular for food delivery with which anybody can get all the best meals delivered straight to their door. Never miss out on the food you want just because the restaurant is too far away or you don't want to leave the house. Get what you want in San Diego with ease using food delivery.